Personal & business coaching
Business development coaching
Scale up & team coaching
Leadership Development
Career counseling
Mentoring, sparring partner
Our approach
After an interview with J olanda or Jan Willem we help you to formulate a sharp personal and / or business coaching question (or questions) and we speak on a coaching course. In such a process, we work closely with you and/or your team to inspire you to get the most out of yourself and the people around you and to find surprising solutions that you never thought possible before.
We always do all this in a way that makes the coachee or team feel comfortable, familiar and safe. And that way suits us: businesslike, personal, honest, if necessary stimulating and sharp, involved and relaxed. By also linking pleasure, energy and positivity in coaching processes. Because we know that the process and your personal direction and commitment are just as decisive for success as our contribution to the coaching process.
We guide you and/or your team to apply these new personal and business insights (and often behavioral adjustments) in everyday practice. After a coaching process, it provides the coachee with surprising insights, more satisfaction, sustainable change and returns.
The Leadership Circle
With every coachingquestion we will challenge you to look at yourself and your situation differently. At the start of a coachingprocess, we regularly use the Leadership Circle Profile. This is a leadership tool to quickly gain insight into your creative leadership competences and to use feedback from the people around you to develop your leadership style.
We use this tool because we are convinced that as a leader in an ever faster changing world, this tool helps you to be a successful and effective leader. The Leadership Circle helps you to look at yourself, your employees and your challenges from different perspectives.
Immunity to change
Why is change so difficult, when you really want it? How do you make the most of your hidden potential?
In our NL coaching practice, we use the ideas and pioneering research of Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey, both professors at Harvard. They wrote a book about this (see photo). They share their knowledge and experience on how to apply sustainable treatment based on your goal in your professional (and private) life. They discuss, among other things, limiting beliefs, the mindset, mandatory and learned behavior. Watch the video below.